Lucy, given a second chance by LABMED

April 11, 2010

Lucy, recovering from a gun shot wound in 2008

The victim of a gunshot wound to her back, Lucy13 found her way late at night to the shed of a very kind couple. Already involved in rescuing homeless dogs, they didn’t hesitate to respond when they realized that the softball-size wound that extended down to the bone in Lucy’s back would require immediate care at the emergency clinic. With her wound cleaned and stapled, Lucy continued to receive care and the necessary changes to her dressing at another veterinary practice.

Despite the violent nature of her injury, this young dog remains very
loving and trusting. Her rescuers even went the extra mile and had Lucy spayed. While the $400 they requested from LABMED amounted to only a third of the veterinary charges for Lucy, we hope it will help keep their door open to the next pup in need.

Lucy in her new home.

In the meantime, the latest update on Lucy a year later was that Lucy found a permanent home with her rescuers, who had never owned a Lab but fell in love with her. They sent updated photos and wrote: “She is a wonderful dog and we thank you again for your support and all your help.”